Another week – another blog! As you may have seen on our social media, we have had a few things to celebrate recently…

Firstly, it was Helen’s 3rd company birthday! How time flies, right? During her time at VNR she has brought so much joy to so many people. From candidates to clients to team VNR to Archie Buss himself, she sure puts a smile on many faces daily. She truly goes above and beyond for everyone and is the most caring and empathetic woman we know. It’s also kind of cool how much she loves animals as well as humans! Helen is the kind of Recruitment Consultant everyone in the industry should aspire to be.

As we are on the topic of lovely Helen – it is also her birthday coming up! We have started the celebrations a week early as today is the last day we are all in the office together for a while (as Helen is taking a well-deserved break). This means we have a MASSIVE chocolate birthday cake to get through and confetti all over the office – not that we are complaining about the former. The confetti however…

After the doom and gloom of the past couple of years it is so lovely to be able to celebrate these things together, in the same room. Who knew how much we all took for granted pre-covid?

With this in mind, we’ll all soon be under the same roof at BVNA and we can’t wait! Under six weeks to go! We have our goodie bags ready to go, brownies ordered, competitions decided & many freebies waiting for you all.

Who is coming along to say hi? See you there!